There are places that take us far away, so much further than the journey actually is.
There are places that convey warmth and that, as is traditionally attributed to the local citizens, balance the famous Ligurians “grumpiness”.
There are villages whose seafront facades have spicy, warm, precious colors, whose palette goes from gold to coral, in a chromatic couscous to be savored.
Closing the eyes and letting yourself be carried away by emotions, this Liguria evokes experiences that could not be more different from the local stereotype.
The nuances of ancient buildings reveal contaminations of folks that lead us to imagine daredevil adventurers on sea safaris riding not sea waves but high sand dunes, savoring and sharing foods with refined flavors and colors.
Opening the eyes, we find ourselves immersed in much more relaxing adventures and we are enchanted by the warm colors of the villages immersed in the cold colors of the sea, by the smell of the saltiness that mixes with those of the traditional dishes, as simple and “poor” as they are good and unforgettable.
These places have preserved the essence of a “pride” that is now the object of goliardic caricatures, but they have naturally allowed themselves to be contaminated by centuries of encounters that have made them, today, beautiful and rich in different knowledge.
RIVÊA è l’amica a cui telefoni e che, folle come te, in un attimo è pronta a scappare e a condividere odori, colori e sapori di un luogo lontano dalla una routine piena di grigi.
RIVÊA è la coccola che ti dedichi, il vezzo che ti regali, la ventata di freschezza alla quale pensi quando hai bisogno (e voglia) di stare bene, perché tutte le donne si meritano un fine settimana al mare con l’amica del cuore.
In Riviera. RIVÊA
RIVÊA è un marchio di accessori e bijoux pensato per le donne che, con un colpo di testa e mollando a casa tutto e tutti, si regalano una piccola fuga dalla loro quotidianità incolore per concedersi la frivolezza e la leggerezza del mare.